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For machines with CANBus network to work optionally the whole control system needs monitoring continually. With age and wear and tear, bus system components will show progressive deterioration of running parameters. These changes can be monitored, diagnosed and reported using GEMAC CANObserver and can be notified to the maintenance manager.

To know more about this product check the youtube link.

This product will take upto 5 weeks for delivery.




If the?sys?tem stands still, the loss is usual?ly?high.

To?per?form some cor?rec?tive action at the right time, sys?tem com?pon?ents and the who?le gui?d?ance sys?tem should be main?tai?ned con?ti?nu?al. Becau?se of wear the?re are wor?se?ning of run?ning para?me?ters of the bus sys?tem. The?se chan?ges are dia?gno?sed?from our CAN?o?b?ser?ver wit?hin the run?ning sys?tem and are noti?fied to the faci?li?ty ope?ra?tor.

Bus Sys?tems

The CAN?o?b?ser?ver works wit?hin the net?works CAN, CANo?pen, Device?Net und SAE J1939.

Instal?la?ti?on and Con?fi?gu?ra?ti?on

The CAN?o?b?ser?ver is desi?gned to be per?ma?nent moun?ted into the bus. The top-hat rail makes it easy to install. It can use the bus power sup?ply (9?36?V), addi?tio?nal?ly you need a?Ether?net con?nec?tion to con?nect.

Con?fi?gu?ra?ti?on is done in the web brow?ser com?ple?te?ly. Check if the alarm thres?hold fit to your sys?tem and put in the data for email sen?ding.

Out?put Switch

On which pro?blems you want to be war?ned, you defi?ne with your web brow?ser. The fol?lo?wing screen?shot shows an examp?le.

With the poten?ti?al free switch you can switch?a?signa?ling lamp on top of your con?trol cabi?net for ins?tan?ce.

Addi?tio?nal?ly you can be war?ned via E-Mail and SMNP. The?re?fo?re an online con?nec?tion to the ether?net net?work is nee?ded.


The CAN?o?b?ser?ver is capa?ble to mea?su?re and to show signal con?di?ti?ons of the CAN bus. It is pos?si?ble to draw con?clu?si?ons to perhaps exis?ting pro?blems about?the nodes or the bus wiring by mea?su?rements of signal qua?li?ty.

Active-Error /?Pas?si?ve-Error Frames

Over?load Frames

Ack?now?ledge Errors

Gene?ral Qua?li?ty Level?(0 ? 100 %)

Dis?tur?ban?ce-free Vol?ta?ge Ran?ge

Edge Steep?ness (worst fal?ling and rising edges)

Addi?tio?nal?ly to the logi?cal and phy?si?cal mea?su?rements the CAN?o?b?ser?ver is get?ting data about bus sta?tus, bus traf?fic load and the optio?nal CAN sup?ply vol?ta?ge.


The CAN?o?b?ser?ver fits into the defi?ni?ti?ons of?VDI/?VDE gui?de?li?ne 2184. (Pre?view)


Device Safe?ty?:?EN 60950???1?: 2003-03


? low-fre?quence elec?tro?ma?gne?tic inter?fe?rence?:?EN 61000???3-2?: 2000, +A1?: 2001, +A2?: 2004

? high-fre?quence elec?tro?ma?gne?tic inter?fe?rence?:?EN 55022?: 1998, +A1:2000, +A2:2003

? immu?ni?ty?:?EN 61000???6-2?: 2001